Saturday, August 29, 2009

Studies confirm that healthcare to a large degree is a lifestyle issue:

Two teams, one led by Pierre-Carl Michaud of the Rand Corporation in Santa Monica, California, the other by Samuel Preston of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, have dug into international health statistics to ask why US citizens can expect to die earlier than their counterparts in the richest European nations.
eliminating profligate spending on ineffective medical interventions by US doctors is only part of the solution to US health woes. Changing citizens' behaviour so that they eat less and exercise more will be vital, both to improve health and reduce costs. "One of the main reasons that US healthcare is so expensive is that we are sicker than other people," says Preston.

Jeroen Brouwer, who lives in the Bay Area and works for Philips directlife program in the US, recently told me that during a regular work day his Netherlands-based colleagues spend 40% more calories in physical activities than he does. Jeroen goes to the gym, they don't; Jeroen runs for exercise, they don't. Why the difference? It seems to be in lifestyle choices. The Dutch bike to work, we drive; the Dutch walk around the town, we drive; the Dutch drink beer, we drive.
To improve the US health care system, the government should impose heavy taxes on driving! (smile).

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