Thursday, May 08, 2014

Invention skills are very similar to wisdom

Today I learned that:

In recent years wisdom has received much scientific attention in psychology. It can be defined as expertise in coping with difficult or unsolvable life problems.

Wisdom is a multidimensional psychological construct, including dimensions like
(1) change of perspective,
(2) empathy,
(3) perception and acceptance of emotions,
(4) emotional serenity,
(5) factual knowledge,
(6) procedural knowledge,
(7) contextualism,
(8) value relativism,
(9) uncertainty acceptance,
(10) long-term perspective,
(11) distance from oneself and
(12) reduction in level of aspiration.

Wisdom can be learned and taught (source: DOI: 10.1159/000321580)
Practically, all items on the list apply, except #12. Inventors must have aspirations to change the world.

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