Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Nanotechnology appears to find important applications in human medicine:

Surgeons in Sweden have successfully transplanted a fully synthetic, tissue-engineered organ—a trachea—into a man with late-stage tracheal cancer.

The scaffolding for the trachea was built by a team led by Alexander Seifalian, professor of nanotechnology and regenerative medicine at University College London. Tissue was grown on top of the scaffold from the patient's own stem cells using the "InBreath" bioreactor from Harvard Bioscience. The scaffold was seeded with a solution of stem cells taken from the patient's bone marrow, and kept warm and sterile as the scaffold rotated inside the bioreactor while the cells grew into tissues. The entire process took about two weeks.

I wonder how much time it will take to make novel organs with capabilities totally new for humans, e.g. ultra-sound vision or using electricity instead of organic food for energy needs. Compared to these tasks, growing extra brain cells to increase one's creativity would seem like a rather straightforward technology.

In the meantime, new devices allow us measure, evaluate and then improve the quality of sleep. Since sleep is a major contributor to our intellectual abilities, Zeo monitor is a must have gadget for every creative person in the world.

tags: biology, science, creativity, intelligence, detection, control, brain, system

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