Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Lunch Talk: (Authors @Google) Kill Decision.

Daniel Suarez discusses his latest work, "Kill Decision." From Google Books:

Unmanned weaponized drones already exist—they're widely used by America in our war efforts in the Middle East. In Kill Decision, bestselling author Daniel Suarez takes that fact and the real science behind it one step further, with frightening results.

tags: lunchtalk, technology, control, military

"lethal autonomy"

1 comment:

Joe said...

It you can't get enough of Daniel Suarez then Listen to the exclusive interview with Daniel Suarez | Part 1 at the Augmented Reality Dirt Podcast (ardirt{dot}com/12) and hear about Kill Decision, Daemon and FreedomTM. Also subscribe to the site and get the chance to win an autographed copy of Kill Decision.