Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Google Glass is the ultimate surveillance machine.

Google Glass has the potential to turn everybody into a surveillance camera. By capturing and analyzing video streams coming from multiple sources, Google would be able to cross-reference its image recognition algorithms with GPS data gathered by the target's Android or iOS device.

For example, when Bob's Google Glass device captures Alice on University Street in Palo Alto, Alice's mobile sends its location data to a Google Maps server. Although the two devices work independently, the information can be easily matched by timestamps and location data. Moreover, if Charlie sees Alice from a different angle, his Google Glass stream can be used to complement data received from Bob's and Alice's devices. If David — independently — tags Alice in his G+ post, the process of verification is complete. Unknowingly, Bob, Charlie, and David form a Google Glass spy network capable of tracking Alice's every move.

Although this scenario sounds a bit far fetched, Google has already implemented it in its web search engine. Because Google strives to download and index every available web page in the world, it knows which pages contain links to a particular page. Knowing the relationship helps Google assign high rank to pages that have a greater number of "incoming" links — the algorithm was Page's and Brin's research topic at Stanford. In short, if Alice, Bob, Charlie, and David are web pages, Google knows who sees whom. Similarly, Google has the ability to implement this logic for video streams, location data, and other bits and pieces of information collected from mobile devices.

tags: control, detection, social, network, packaged payload, google

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