Sunday, July 22, 2012

Quote of the Day: Steve Wozniak on GUI.

In iWoz, Steve Wozniak writes about seeing for the first time the Graphical User Interface (GUI) at Xerox Park,
The minute I saw this interface, I knew it was the future. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind. It was like a one-way door to the future—and once you went through it, you could never turn back. It was such a huge improvement in using computers. The GUI meant you could get a computer to do the same things it could normally do, but with much less physical and mental effort. It meant that nontechnical people could do some pretty powerful things with computers without having to sit there and learn how to type in long commands. Also, it let several different programs run in separate windows at the same time. That was powerful!
tags: quote, interface, software, evolution

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