Thursday, June 18, 2009

Creativity: assorted quotes

from Jeff Hawkins' book "On Intelligence":

- creativity is an inherent property of every cortical region. It is a necessary component of prediction. p. 183.
- Prediction by analogy - creativity - is so pervasive we normally don't notice it. p.185.
- highly creative works of art are appreciated because they violate our predictions. p.186.
- Creativity is mixing and matching patterns of everything you've ever experienced or come to know in your lifetime. The neural mechanism for this is everywhere in the cortex. 187.
- Whatever the difference between brilliant and average brains, we are all creative. And through the practice and study we can enhance our skills and talents. 189.
- To succeed [in solving a problem] you must ponder the problem often but also do other things so that cortex will have the opportunity to find an analogous memory. 190.
- False analogy is always a danger. 192. Our brains are always looking at patterns and making analogies. If correct correlations cannot be found, the brain is more than happy to accept false ones. 193.

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