Friday, June 12, 2009

Problem creation problem: Apollo vs Cassandra.

Ancient gods are particularly good at creating problems for others. Apollo, one of the most powerful Greek gods, fell in love with Cassandra, the daughter of Trojan king Priam. Apollo seduced the girl by promising that he would teach her the art of prophecy. Having learnt the art, Cassandra rejected him. Angry Appollo, unable to take back her knowledge, decided to put a curse on it, by declaring that Cassandra's prophecies will never be accepted or believed.

As a result, Cassandra's last tragic prophecy that Troy will be destroyed by the Greeks fell on deaf ears of her compatriots. According to the legend, during the sack of the city, which she so perfectly predicted, Cassandra, the daughter of a Trojan king, was captured, raped, and then killed by an ordinary Greek soldier.

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