Saturday, December 21, 2013

Lab Notebook: Google Glass and 360-degree vision

Google Glass (or a similar connected, hands-off presentation device) should make a big difference in situations that require body-eye coordination and [related] learning of psycho-motor skills. For example, if I wear sensory clothing that talks to the device I should be able to see myself from any angle. The device might also provide an 3- or 4-D image of the desired position and help me adjust my posture closer to the ideal. Boys and girls would learn easily how to keep their backs straight and walk like models! :) Should also help the elderly to be aware of the need to exercise and improve their motor skills.
Eventually, it will become indispensable in sports, wellness, and all other applications requiring spatial dexterity, including surgical procedures.

In general, great innovations create new space and time (either real or virtual). The Google Glass (GG) project has a chance to do just that. In system terms (see Scalable Innovation, Chapter 2),

GG - Tool
sensor network - Source
reference db - Source
(wireless) communications  - Distribution
application - Control
brain - Control
encoded position info - Packaged Payload

tags: invention, space, time, problem, solution, innovation, pattern, system

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