Friday, January 02, 2015

Scalable Innovation (BUS 134) - Quiz, Session 3-1

This quarter I'll be teaching Scalable Innovation (BUS 134) - a new course at Stanford University Continuing Studies. One of the key topics for the course is innovation timing. That is, timing is everything; therefore, in order not to be too early or too late with the idea, the innovator has to be able to at least find a strong, valid signal in the avalanche of noise about the future. Here's an exercise I'm considering for my students.

Read wikipedia about Electronic Sports and consider the chart below (click to enlarge):

Does "Electronic Sports" represent a major technology/market innovation event? Why? Does the curve above represent the beginning of a long-term growth or is it just another hype cycle? If Electronic Sports is the wave of the future, who are the existing industry players that are going to benefit from it the most? What new system elements and interfaces still need to be invented?

tags: innovation, s-curve, gaming, synthesis

1 comment:

Thaddeus Setla said...

In my opinion the growth and popularity of Electronic Sports is in part due to the improved economy, but more importantly most games were tied to a game counsel until recently they have become available over the internet. Entire ecosystems have formed bring companies in to support teams of online gamers. This exposure to more and more gamers has open the door for increased sales revenue. I do believe that the perfect storm came into play where online speed caught up to the gaming bandwidth needed to take this to the next level. I don't see this as exponential growth, but the industry will continue to grow as the demand for real time streaming and view of becoming a professional gamer is anything like a professional athlete. In the future it is clear that the companies involved with virtual reality and the interfacing of that technology will greatly benefit from this market.